Posts Tagged 'Jan 2010 Full Moon'

Wild Wild West Moon

The next Full Moon on Saturday the 30th January is worthy of a mention for many reasons. As the new year builds momentum the next full moon represents a wild wild west kind of  energy involving surprising behaviours. The full Moon is conjunct Mars and opposite Black Moon Lilith.

When the Moon is opposite the Black Moon the moon is at its Perigee or the closest point in its orbit around the earth (aka Priapus). This also means that the Sun is at the Moon’s natural apogee or furthest point from earth – the Black Moon point.

Eclipses happen when new and full moon lunations occur near the Nodal axis however  I am unaware of any astrological considerations given to lunations which activate the Apogee and Perigee degrees.


The Wild West – a testosterone driven era.

The Full Moon on this saturday has the potential to exacerbate instinctive behavioural patterns involving sexual identity, aggression and other conflicts. The astrological details of the Full Moon on the 30th January are:

  • Moon conjunct Mars
  • Sun Opposite Mars
  • Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Venus
  • Fixed Signs
  • Saturn Square PLuto
  • Same ascendant degree as the last Eclipse

Full Moons are inclined to increase the polarisation between our greatest needs in life and what is available at that time. Depending on ones personality the full moon acts like an “impasse crises” where something must give way to allow a fuller expression of ones current position. Its possible to find ways to move forward during full moons no matter how clumsily that might happen.

Moon-Mars is quite an expressive combination where feelings and assertiveness combine catharticaly. This means that energy must be expelled in some manner however not necessarily in aggressive ways. The Full Moon in Leo wants to shine and have the spotlight for attention sake.

Assuming that the Moon and Mars at the Priapus degree (perigee) relates to fertility worship then the full moon will relate to sexual and creative endeavours. Psycho sexual theories and sexual attraction theories can represent the basis for behaviours during this full moon.

Sun opposite Mars is a challenging configuration where authority issues usually result with acting out kinds of behaviours. This is a stressful opposition and one that potentially increases adrenalin levels. Mars and the Sun can be damaging to ones “heart health” because hormone levels increase blood pressure during flight and fight responses.


David R. Stoecklein

Cowgirls have Testosterone too

The Full Moon hilights the differences between the sexes and prompts our fundamental powers of attraction. The wild wild west has been tamed these days and supposedly the male driven world has softened in many respects. Both women and men have developed different ways to express their unique sense of identity. On this coming weekend though, there will be some displays appearing more attractive than others.


The Wild Bunch

The full moon on Saturday has potential to challenge ones sense of identity. Its a call to stand and face an unstable environment by expressing individuality. If that becomes a difficult proposition for some of us then Liliths involvement can be quick and expressive. Liliths involvement in this full moon may mean that you will be surprised by your actions the following day.


Flirting with confrontation might lead to breaking an impasse

The Full Moon in Leo conjunct Mars sees a return to the wild west approach to defining ones sense of identity. There will be strong and attractive masculine roles or the reversals of roles where “feminine” charms are also quite attractive. The challenge involves your own and current perception of identity and what appears attractive in your eyes. It is also a sexually diverse full moon that may be exhilarating yet confusing.


Brokeback Mountain?

The full moon will manifest in creative and challenging ways. Some may end up fighting and in trouble with authorities while others enjoy robust interactions. One fair bet is that wherever you find alcohol being consumed the Lilith factor will increase.

Getting “across the line” in the wild wild west is ok and another day of living indeed.

PS;  I recomend using the True calculation for Black Moon Lilith however in the above full moon there is very little difference between the two. Some Lilith Rescouces can be found here.


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