Posts Tagged 'Narcissus'

Death of a Narcissist: Insights to Vesta


It is said that Saddam Hussein was one the worlds greatest Narcissists along with Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones and Elvis Presley. There are many high profile Narcissistic personality types who have not suffered such unmitigating fates as Saddam, however to the narcissistic person, perhaps death seems like a preferred option when the object of ones affection dries up.

We live in a modern world of self expression where the focus on individuation and becoming ‘whole’ unto ourself has been the hallmark of psychotherapies for decades. In psychoanalysis we interpret dreams and visualize unconscious parts of self in order to know and love ourselves more so. In Gestalt therapies we project parts of self to reject or accept parts of self and redecide about the self. In Talk therapies we talk about self to invest in our identity as a tangible and unique concept compared to others. We investigate the Astrology chart to know more about the parts of self,  to gather a whole picture to hopefully sustain reflections of the self, to love and cherish.    

One could say such focus on the needs of self is honoring and protecting the “flame of individuality”, the hearth of our inner home. Our identity and connection to “the shack of self centre”.

The mythology surrounding the Asteroid Vestain my mind, encaptulates the focus on self and is the archetype of the narcissistic process. When Vesta is predominant in the astrology chart the personality seems to indicate enough ‘invested’ self interest to gain popularity in some form or other.  The saying; “the body is the temple of the soul” is also an interesting quote that relates narcisism to the good or not so good aspects of a healthy spirit. 


Narcissus and Self Reflective Mythology     

Some accounts suggest that Narcissus came to drink from the pond and fell in love with his reflection. Since he could not obtain the object of his love (in the water) he died in sorrow by the same pond. Others suggest that his great love for his twin sister and consequent grief over her death was appeased by staring at his reflection in the pond. Sounds like projective identification to me.  So Narcissus did not eat or drink life sustaining water from the pond and he eventually wasted away dying by looking at himself.

Some Modern Narcissistic Profiles


Warren “get what he wants” Beatty

Warren has Vesta in the tenth house, in the sign of Cancer. Interesting to note his Moon also conjunct Black Moon Lilith.



Vesta in the eleventh house and the sign of Cancer. Moon conjunct ascendant and sextile to Vesta.


Jim Jones         Cult Leader “The Life and Death of The People Temple”

Ascendant ruler Saturn, conjunct Vesta in the first house. There are a number of aspects to Jim Jones’ Vesta and Saturn in the chart. The opposition of Pluto and Jupiter are two of them.


                                                                     Jim Jones Chart



Saturn Conjunct Vesta in the tenth house.

Vesta conjunct Ascendant People

Dawn Fraser       Olymic swimmer

Germain Greer    (Note Black Moon Lilith conjunct Vesta at the Ascendant)

Rupert Murdoch

Tammy Wynette

Vesta Conjunct Mid Heaven People

Azaria Chamberland

Karen Carpenter   (Sun Conjunct Vesta-Mc)

Rock Hudson

Grace Kelly

Annie Lennox

Sophia Loren

Vesta Opposite Ascendant People

Bill Clinton             (Mars Neptune opposite Vesta)

Carl Jung                 The Narcissistic Therapist  (Sun Conjunct Vesta, Sun rules 7th house)

Victor Hugo

Omar Shariff    (Mars Conjunct Vesta in Aries)

Bruce Springsteen

Today the Ingress into Pisces sees the Sun conjunct Vesta and perhaps is somewhat important with the coming Lunar Eclipse. In Part Two of Death of a Narcissist we explore the symbology of Vesta, the Development of Personality and the Astrology of Narcissism.


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