Posts Tagged 'FAA Brisbane Astrology Conference'

FAA Conference Chart

Yesterday was the official launching of the Australian Federation of Astrologers Conference. The conference named “Surfing New Waves of Consciousness” is now underway in Brisbane Queensland.

I am somewhat surprised by the timing of the official starting ceremony. The official start of the event is 14th January 12 47 pm in Brisbane. The chart shows a ninth house of astrology packed with the current Capricorn planets. Is it possible to “officially start” an event after the event has already started?


Surfing New Waves of Consciousness

I like the chart showing Black Moon Lilith at the mid-heaven of the chart. I am not sure whether the committee’s decision for this chart was a conscious one or not. There are some very fine astrologers involved with the FAA here in Australia and if Lilith happens to be one of the lecture subjects, the conference will truly be “surfing”.

The chart shows Lilith prominent in the chart and that means there is sub conscious drives in play during the event. It would seem that Saturn’s stationary retrograde and his rulership over the ninth house planets emphasises the ability of those ninth house planets.

It makes sense that Lilith is at the Mid heaven. It would make sense that Lilith be discussed within the theme of  “New Waves of Consciousness”. I would love to hear back from anyone who is attending the conference and how Black Moon Lilith is represented in the scheme of the conference.

I think I would have chosen a different time for the opening ceremony and perhaps after the new moon today. I guess the committee’s astrologers erecting this official starting chart had their own views on the matter. Sometimes it’s about going with what is available at the time.

Best regards


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